Tuesday, September 15, 2009

i miss them so much! seriously... ;

aku xtau knp akhirakhir ni, aku asyik teringat dkt hamsterhamster yg aku pernah bela dulu. haish, sampaikan malam kelmarin, aku mimpikan diorg. dlm mimpi tu, aku happy gila wehhh. dpt mainmain dgn diorg, bg diorg mkn, mandikan diorg. --" aku rindu gilaaa dgn diorg sumeeee. especially comel dgn chibi. waaa, nk nangis bile igtkn time diorg mati :'(

ni Hamtaro. along punye. so, dye ni satu-satunye hamster jantan yg ktorg prnh bela. yg xboleh blahnyee, dye ni ade 2 isteri wehhh. haha:DD mmg superMAN! :P

yg ni, Comel. haaa, this is mine. isteri keberape, aku pn xtau. tanye Hamtaro ehh:P dye ni, mmg superWOMAN! sbb, dye prnh lahirkan anak anddd anak dye hidup lame, smpaikan dye dpt cucu lagi wehh ;)

yg ni pulak, Putih. my lil bro's own. dye ni pn prnh beranak, tp ank dye mati time kecik. xtau knp. huu :( ade org kate pic ats ni mcm gulagula kapas. haihh, mcmmcm btol diorg ni ;)

and heree it is. ni la Chibi. cucu kpd Comel. comel bukann? aku mmg suka gilaaa mainmain dgn dye ni. sbb dye comel sangatttt. gendut plak tuh! suke gileee main dgn kaki dye. haha ;D tp, time dye sakit, kurus je badan dye. mne aku xsedih tgk dye :|

ni bukan hamster, tp ni guinea pig. birthday's gift from niena. name dye Nerdix/Gendut. tp, xlame lps aku dpt, dye mati. myb sbb aku xreti bela guinea pig kot. tp, dye lebih kurang mcm hamster jgk enn. em, apeape jela --"

haihh, da dkt 4 thn diorg pergi. mmg sedih, but life must be go on ryte? SPM paling penting buat masa skrg. so, give ur full, 101% attention mirahhh! its all abt ur life, ur future! yess, nothing is impossible to be done in this world. so, kawankawan, STUDY SMART, bukan STUDY HARD okayyy. **nasihat cigu fauzi ;)


mimpi, nth knp akhirakhir ni aku asik dpt mimpi. yg pelikpelik pulak tuh, sampaikan, aku t'mimpi 'si dye'. haha:DD dahdah, mimpi tu kan mainan tidur. so, jz forget it mirahh. berangan lebihh jee kau niii ;)

ehhhh, btw, chelsea mng lwn stoke arituu. soo, the blues still on the top of the chart! haha:D thx to drogba &&& malouda for their goals:)

P/S : belanja aku A&W pleaseee, kempunan gila wehhh, lglg float dye tu. perghh, sedap gileeee:P

okayy, skrg ni, ready utk GERAK GEMPUR pulakk! seriously, aku nk buat betulbetul utk bio, phy dgn chem time gerak gempur. insyaallah :) haa, thx a lot to aimi cz dye sudi and rela ajar and bg aku fhm soalan yg aku salah utk paper 1 chemistry td. syg kau wehhh. haha :D okayokay, nk stop sini. nk buat hw, tgk tv and tidooo! hee :P

ed, imy:D


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