Saturday, October 17, 2009

tick tock, our time is running out! ;

well, mcm yg da ckp dkt post bwh2 ni, SPM lg 31 hari. and bcz of that, i'll be rarely online, especially my:

andd of course...

so, wish me luck andd do take care of yourself, bloggers! but, if ade mase free, myb akan update/online. but, bukan selalu laaa. mmg skrg ni busy gilaaa. mne ade mase free pn. haha :DD okay, see u then, bbye, tc, lysm :)

Bbye Bloggers ;(

XO mya :)

Aston Villa vs. Chelsea ;

**whoop whoop! this is my 200th post! :D**


Date : 17 Oct 2009
Time : 7.45pm
Venue : Std. Villa Park
Astro 812
*Away Game*

gadgets of the month ;

1. LG GD900

*keypad dye yg transparent tu buat dye jd unik! diff from te others phone :)

2. Sony Walkman S-Series

*uhh, design dye gile lawa! iPhone look alike :D

**kalau la aku ade byk duit, da lame aku beli duadua gadget ni. haha :D stop dreaming la mya!

delayed post ;

okay, erm, it was almost 2 weeks since my last post on 4th October. well, skrg ni mmg da semakin busyyy, seriously, xtipu. hari2 dpt latihan. sbb tu dye pggil LATIH TUBI. bertubi-tubi dye dtg. and, SPM is just around the corner. 31 days more people! heyy! wake up la kpd sesape yg xsedar lg (including me :P). okayokay, lets make this short:

Open Houses

1. Haziq Afiq
- rmh kwn yg 1st aku pergi time raya. rmh kau mmg lawa, xpyh cite la en :D menu of the day ; Dominos Pizza, KFC and nasi lemak *aku xsempat rase nasi lemak kau wehh --" andd, u owe me my duit raya! haha. jk jk :P

2. Nur Aliah
- i went there after haziq's while waiting for my daddy to pick me up. even tu bukan raya rasmi, dye still bg duit raya. haha. thx wehh. raya yg rasmi tu, esoknye. dye mmg buat open house. but, dpt dduk skjp je cz lps tu ade bio class. sorry tau weh. but aku suka gilaa spagetti && triffle kau. yummy! and, aku dpt lg duit raya! hohoho :DD

3. Nur Syaza Amira
- finally, dpt jgk jumpe org johor ni. rinduu tau takk. xde sape nk nyanyi2 lg dlm kls. hehe ;D laksa johor kau paling sedap yg prnh aku rase. siyes xtipu! rase mcm nk tapau je, tp segan nk mnx. haha :DD yg plg best, dpt duit raya. byk plak tu. hee :P take care tau dkt sane. ly, xoxo :)

4. Wedding Abg Arman
- dkt dewan AU2. dkt je dgn my house. i went there with fyza, syarah and yasmin. later, kwn2 yg laen smpai. nasi minyak dye sedap! (asyik ckp psl mknn je :D) yg plg xblh lupe, ktorg snap pics mengalahkan pengantin. smpai org laen pndg2 and even photographer utk pengantin tu pn snap pic ktorg. haha :D thx for inviting us aman! nnti wedding kau jgn xajk plak. haha. jk jk :DD

5. Mine (Nur Amirah Nabilah)
- happy gilaa cz thn ni rmai kwn yg dtg, kalau x, slalunye, yg dtg fyza dgn sya aje :D menu dye byk la jgk, ade nasi, ade soto, ade desert etc. mesti korg kenyang gile enn? part plg korg suke mesti la time dpt duit raye en? :DD thn dpn dtg lg tau! :) ahah! thx A LOT to yasmin yg bwk Big Apple and aimi too cz bg aku beg! thxthx! :)

6. Sharifah Nazrina
- dpt jgk pegi rmh dye ni. lawa rmh baru kau nina! nnt nk overnight blh? :D and, kwn2 SAB kau pn sporting. jz segan sikit sbb diorg sume bdk2 pndai en. hehe :D thn dpn ajk lg tau. rindu kauu. and take care dkt sane. ly, XOXO

7. Nor Faezah
- sorry ktorg dtg lmbt wehh. but, suke laksa and roti jala tuh. nasib baek ade mknn lg time ktorg dtg. haha :D andd, sorry la xjoin time korg tgkp gmbr ehh. well, u noe me ryte? i'm not a cameras freak :P thn dpt kalau buat jgn lupe ajk lg tau! :)

8. Lina Amalina
- rmh kau rmai gile yg dtg. sorry la xjoin korg dkt dlm. sbb ramai sgt. and, aku xrase pn mknn dkt rmh kau, minum air je. hee :P xpee, thn dpn, klau buat lg, i'll be the first one to arrive there okay! :D

9. Nurul Hazirah
- hari tu, b'day dye. dye suruh dtg jgk rmh dye. suruh mkn kek. nasib baik dpt dtg even da dkt pkul 10pm time tu. andd, sorry la dtg lewat2 tau. m'gnggu fmly kau je. nway, thx invite andd aku nk Dodo blh?? :DD

Nina's crib (with her SAB friends)

Mine :)

well, thats all the stories abt open houses. btw, sorry to natasha, nanu, aimi and yana cz xdpt dtg open house korg --" and even hari ni pn ade 2 lg invite pegi open house ; Shakree's and Ustazah Syarifah's. esk plak Yasmin's. haish, harap2 blh dtg laa :)

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Eid '09 (2) ;

okay, sambung update balik while enjoy && tgk game between Chelsea dgn Liverpool. perasaan skrg ; sedih& cuak. sedih sbb bukan Petr Cech yg jd goal keeper. and cuak sbb, aku xabes study PHYSICS lagii! waaaa ;( okayokay, cool down mya ;)

22.9.09 (3rd Day of Raya)

pagi tu, xbuat pape pun. dgr lagu, tgk tv, mkn, smyg, tido. haha. bosan gila. xde org dtg beraya. and xde sape yg nk bwk aku pegi beraya. huuu. then, ptg tu, pergi kampung ayah pulak. dkt aje. xsmpai 20minit perjalanan pun ;) family ayah, mcm biasa la, dgn tradisi diorg : bagi duit raya beramai2 (saudara mara sume duduk dlm satu bulatan bsr, and tunggu ank2 sdare jln, salam andd amek duit raya) can u imagine that? best gilaa. dpt around rm100 dlm satu hari. sape xsuke? haha :DD cuma, thn ni ade kelainan sikit. ktorg buat solat jemaah and buat tahlil arwah, and of course ade bace yassin. lps da selesai sume2 tu. ktorg main bunga api and mercun plak. prnh dgr mercun klcc? mercun bateri? lawa gilaa. dye keluar bunga api mcm yg ade time merdeka/new year tu. then, cousin2 aku yg cameras freak sume suruh tgkp gmbr. but, sorry la. xblh show sini. diorg xpkai tudung. hee :) around 1am, pergi rmh moksu(sblh kg ayah aje), sbb nk mandi. aku xbrani nk mndi dkt toilet kampung ayh aku tu. gila freakyy :D lps mndi, tgk siaran ulangan chelsea lwn tottenham(game yg xdpt tgk sbb kg ibu xde astro --") lps abes, tido la. ape lagi en :P

see, sepupu and ank2 sdare aku tgh beratur ;)

23.9.09 (4th Day of Raya)

again, pagi tu xbuat pape. nasib baik la mak endek ajk pegi raya rmh kwn dye, cikgu zuraidah dkt bukit rambai. rumah dye besar gilaaa kot. lps mkn2, jln2 dlm rmh dye. siyesly, rmh dye mcm muzium. mcm xde org yg duduk situ. dapur dye, xnmpk lgsg brg2 utk dimasak(sayur, minyak, etc.) time nk balek, diorg ajk tgkp gmbr. ahha, aku mcm biasa laa. pegi menyorok dkt mne2 so diorg xdpt pggil aku utk brgmbr skali dgn diorg :DD tp, disebabkan xbrgmbr dgn diorg, aku da tlps RM5 wehhh. haishh. sbr aje la :P

cousin2 yg control ayu :P

all of sudden, kak syira, my cousin, ajk lepak rmh dye. correction: ajk tlg dye dkt rmh dye sbb ade kwn2 dye nk dtg. at first, i refused. rase mls. doesn't mean aku pemalas okayyy :P but then, bile fikir xde kwn nnti, aku join aje la. keje ktorg dkt situ, basuh pinggan, angkat pinggan, lap pinggan. main dgn air aje lah dkt rmh dye tu. abes kasar tgn aku yg lembut ni. haha :D time ktorg basuh2 pinggan tu ttbe dye dtg dapur n ckp...

kak syira: alaa, kesiannye korg ni. mesti pnt en? xpe, nnti mlm akak bwk pegi jln2 eh.
ktorg: okay! set! :D

so, around 1am, ktorg pergi Dataran Pahlawan. mkn mcdonald. btw, boleh x korg bygkn, 7 org naek kancil? gila enn? but, da dua kali aku rase situasi mcm tu. haha. sempit dye, xpyh ckp la. mcm dlm tin sardin! sardin tu pn rasenye xprnh rase sesempit mcm yg ktorg rase :DD it was really fun and aku enjoy spend time dgn cousin2 aku yg gilagila tu :D dlm pkul 3 kak syira hntr aku balik dkt kampung ibu.

bukti: resit mcdonald :P

24.9.09 (5th Day of Raya)

last day dkt melaka. rase happy sbb aku da xpyh basuh pinggan dkt kampung tu lg. haha. but sedih sbb da kene bpisah dgn cousin2 yg jrg gila aku jumpe. haih -__________- xpe, raya thn dpn ade lg, insyaallah :) so, mlm tu, amek baby(my lil bro) dkt kg ayah. then, gerak balek KL. luckily, jln clear gilaa. so, skjp je da smpai KL.

Konklusinya, raya thn ni biase aje. blh thn la jgk. mcm raya2 thn lps. lg pn, lps aje cuti raya, ade exam gerak gempur selangor. andd, aku bwk aje buku, bace harapan laa :P cume yg xkn dlupekan, naek kancil 7 org! :DD

okay, itu aje nk cite psl raya dkt kampung. psl raya dkt kl, nnti la ehh. insyaallah lps gerak gempur aku update :) till then, bbye. nyte :)

Eid '09 ;

eventho cerita ni da lame, aku still nk post. nk buat kenang-kenangan. hee :D so, sapesape yg xnk bace, xpyh bace okay. *gila kerek. haha :DD btw, thn ni aku dpt 2 kad raya aje. from syarah andd yana. tp, sms raya, dpt byk gila. thx a lot wehh :)

from left ; sya, yana

yg aku nk tergelak, duadua kad ni ade ckp psl boyf. haishh korg ni, mne ade sape nk aku laaa. lampard sorg tu aje yg nk org gila mcm aku ni. :P ehh, back to the point ;

19.9.09 (Malam Raya)

alhamdulillah, dpt jgk berpuasa dkt kampung. tp, rasenye, b'puasa dkt kg lg memenatkan compared to kl. --" ktorg smpai melaka ptg b4 last day of ramadhan. jln sesak gilaaa. but, tu normal la kan. semua nk balik beraya. so, lps berbuka, ktorg mulekan operasi mengemas rumah. baru lps renovate kot. bersepah gilee. penat dye xpyh ckp laa. mcm nk patah backbone aku nih. tp, lps aje buka puasa. sume penat hilang. sbb ape? sbb dpt maen bunga api. haha :D siyes best wehh. try laa :P then, around 12am, bru start gosok baju raya. tema ktorg thn ni red+maroon. i wore pink kurung btw. hee xD for the first time, aku tdo pkul 3 pagi. kalau takk, pkul 10 da masuk bilik tdo da :D

20.9.09 (1st Day of Raya)

rayaaaa! wuhhuuuu. xpyh bngun sahur lg. haha. but, bangun pagi tu, mandi sunat, solat anddd MAKAN! lemang, ketupat, rendang, lontong, sambal kacang, sume aku hentam :DD yelaa, mase raye ni la kite dpt rase mknn mcm tu kan. kalau x, bile lg :) lps sume da balik from masjid, ktorg pergi ziarah kubur arwah atuk & nenek. dkt aje. jln kaki da smpai. aku still igt, ade 1 hari tu, aku merajuk, and pergi m'bawa diri dkt kubur atuk & nenek aku tuh. org yg ade dkt situ sume pndg pelik je. haha :D lps pergi kubur, singgah rmh nek cik aku dkt2 dgn kubur tu. ramai kot yg serbu rumah dye. yg sedihye, punye la aku sbr nk dpt duit raya, tp dye TAK BAGI! aku pn balik and ckp dlm hati, nek, kalau bg singgit pn saye terima nekk. sobs sobs :( lps tu, raya rmh jiran2 sekeliling kampung tu. again, still xdpt duit raya lg. haishh miraaa, bile kau nk terima kenyataan yg kau ni bukan budak2 lg haa? :P

but, for me, 1st day raya thn ni bosan sikit. sbb xdpt jln2 rmh sdare lg. tggu pektam aku smpai esok. haish. sbr aje la. so, utk hilangkan kebosanan tu, aku pergi lepak dkt pantai skjp dgn sepupu aku, taja. pergi sane buat ape? mandi? hell no! ktorg jln2 tepi pantai tu je. andd, main lukis2 dkt pasir.

comel kan? comel kan? comel kan? :D

21.9.09 (2nd Day of Raya)

finally dpt pergi raya dkt rmh sdare2 dkt melaka tu :) tp 2 rumah aje. 1st, rumah Nek Yi. yg aku suke raya rmh nek yi ni, sbb ade kambing! blh tgk kambing dekat2. hehhe :P comel wehh. lglg, kambing tu baru lg lahir. minum susu pn pakai botol susu. nk tgk ank kambing tu takk?

time dye panggil mak dye, comel gile wehh. it sounds like "makkk, makkk..." :DD then, gerak pergi rmh Nek Su pulak. tp xdduk lame2 cz da mlm time tu. yg paling best, mlm tu, ktorg buat BBQ! fuhh, sedap gile wehh. yg kelakarnye, setiap org, i mean, budak2 la, ade polystrene cup masing2. anddd, ade NAMA diorg dkt cup tuhh! takut tertukar and mls nk basuh byk2 cawan of course :P

this was mine. messy gila en? :P

p/s : err, i will continue the other story in the next post okay. rasa penat andd pening gila skrg. haish. esok exam PHYSICS. mmg aku SUKA :P okay, bbye. *insyaallah sambung update mlm nnti :)
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