okay, erm, it was almost
2 weeks since my last post on 4th October. well, skrg ni mmg da semakin
busyyy, seriously, xtipu. hari2 dpt latihan. sbb tu dye pggil
LATIH TUBI. bertubi-tubi dye dtg. and,
SPM is just around the corner.
31 days more people! heyy! wake up la kpd sesape yg xsedar lg (including me :P). okayokay, lets make this short:
Open Houses1. Haziq Afiq- rmh kwn yg 1st aku pergi time raya. rmh kau mmg lawa, xpyh cite la en :D menu of the day ; Dominos Pizza, KFC and nasi lemak *aku xsempat rase nasi lemak kau wehh --" andd, u owe me my
duit raya! haha. jk jk :P
2. Nur Aliah- i went there after haziq's while waiting for my daddy to pick me up. even tu bukan raya rasmi, dye still bg duit raya. haha. thx wehh. raya yg rasmi tu, esoknye. dye mmg buat open house. but, dpt dduk skjp je cz lps tu ade bio class. sorry tau weh. but aku suka gilaa spagetti && triffle kau. yummy! and, aku dpt lg duit raya! hohoho :DD
3. Nur Syaza Amira- finally, dpt jgk jumpe
org johor ni. rinduu tau takk. xde sape nk nyanyi2 lg dlm kls. hehe ;D laksa johor kau paling sedap yg prnh aku rase. siyes xtipu! rase mcm nk tapau je, tp segan nk mnx. haha :DD yg plg best, dpt duit raya. byk plak tu. hee :P take care tau dkt sane. ly,
xoxo :)
4. Wedding Abg Arman- dkt dewan AU2. dkt je dgn my house. i went there with fyza, syarah and yasmin. later, kwn2 yg laen smpai. nasi minyak dye sedap! (asyik ckp psl mknn je :D) yg plg xblh lupe, ktorg snap pics mengalahkan pengantin. smpai org laen pndg2 and even photographer utk pengantin tu pn snap pic ktorg. haha :D thx for inviting us aman! nnti wedding kau jgn xajk plak. haha. jk jk :DD
5. Mine (Nur Amirah Nabilah)- happy gilaa cz thn ni rmai kwn yg dtg, kalau x, slalunye, yg dtg fyza dgn sya aje :D menu dye byk la jgk, ade nasi, ade soto, ade desert etc. mesti korg kenyang gile enn? part plg korg suke mesti la time dpt duit raye en? :DD thn dpn dtg lg tau! :) ahah! thx A LOT to yasmin yg bwk Big Apple and aimi too cz bg aku beg! thxthx! :)
6. Sharifah Nazrina- dpt jgk pegi rmh dye ni. lawa rmh baru kau nina! nnt nk overnight blh? :D and, kwn2 SAB kau pn sporting. jz segan sikit sbb diorg sume bdk2 pndai en. hehe :D thn dpn ajk lg tau. rindu kauu. and take care dkt sane. ly, XOXO
7. Nor Faezah- sorry ktorg dtg lmbt wehh. but, suke laksa and roti jala tuh. nasib baek ade mknn lg time ktorg dtg. haha :D andd, sorry la xjoin time korg tgkp gmbr ehh. well, u noe me ryte? i'm not a
cameras freak :P thn dpt kalau buat jgn lupe ajk lg tau! :)
8. Lina Amalina- rmh kau rmai gile yg dtg. sorry la xjoin korg dkt dlm. sbb ramai sgt. and, aku xrase pn mknn dkt rmh kau, minum air je. hee :P xpee, thn dpn, klau buat lg, i'll be the first one to arrive there okay! :D
9. Nurul Hazirah- hari tu, b'day dye. dye suruh dtg jgk rmh dye. suruh mkn kek. nasib baik dpt dtg even da dkt pkul 10pm time tu. andd, sorry la dtg lewat2 tau. m'gnggu fmly kau je. nway, thx invite andd aku nk Dodo blh?? :DD

Nina's crib (with her SAB friends)

Mine :)
well, thats all the stories abt open houses. btw, sorry to natasha, nanu, aimi and yana cz xdpt dtg open house korg --" and even hari ni pn ade 2 lg invite pegi open house ; Shakree's and Ustazah Syarifah's. esk plak Yasmin's. haish, harap2 blh dtg laa :)