Thursday, December 31, 2009

last post for 2009 :) ;

Num giliran for that test :)

First of all, aku nk ucapkan syukur alhamdulillah ke hadrat Ilahi, kerana dgn izinNya, aku berjaya lulus dlm Ujian Teori KPP td(I'm not showing off okay! Dont get me wrong). Btw, td dpt no giliran 31 and PC8. Perghh, PC dye punye mouse mcm *%#%!. Haha. But, xde pape bnde buruk yg jd :). So, ahad ni akan start Kursus Amali for 3 hrs. Aiiyooo. Takut mengantuk aje nanti. Haha(!) :D Luckily, dpt pergi kursus tu dgn Aliah. Fuhh, legaaa. Nanti xde la tercongok dkt situ sorgsorg :P

Back to the point, sedar xsedar, hari ni dah 31st December 2009. Pukul 12 nnti da 1 January 2010. Tahun baru, azam baru, hidup baru, umur baru. Semuanye BARU :). As usual, mesti pasang azam baru, even xsemua azam thn lps yg tercapai :P Tp, thn ni still ade AZAM BARU. Ape dye azam tu? SECRET laaaaa. Hee :D But, salah satunye, of course la aku nk berubah drpd yg BURUK kpd yg BAIK, and yg BAIK kpd yg LEBIH BAIK :)

Lg bbrp jam aje lg before 2009 ends. So, my dear FRIENDS,

  • Sorrysorrysorry for all of my wrong doings, wrong words, wrongs behaviour and so on :)

Tutup buku lama, buka buku baru, okay? :)

Ohhh, btw, taktau knp, lately, aku OBSES dgn...

Blackberry Bold WHITE<33

Kinder Bueno WHITE<33

Thats all for today(year 2009). Say Hello to 2010! Bbye to 2009 :|

Amirah Rashid

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Chelsea vs. Fulham;

Chelsea vs. Fulham
28th Dec 2009
Channel 812 (Astro)
Home Game
Std. Stamford Bridge


anddd, the result is...

Chelsea 2 - 1 Fulham

*wuhuuuu! finally! chelsea menang gak! thanks to Drogba cz itu gol dye yg terakhir cz lps ni dye kene tinggalkan The Blues skjp cz ade match for Piala Afrika(kalau xsilap). whatever it is, aku harap chelsea akan ttp mantap and kuat even xde Drogba and bbrp player yg lain :))

Friday, December 25, 2009

Birmingham City vs. Chelsea ;


Birmingham City vs. Chelsea
Away Game
Std. St. Andrews
26th Disember 2009
Channel 812, Astro


The Result is..............

Chelsea 0 - 0 Birmingham City

What the?? But, it's okay laaa. Season still pjg lg and byk lg game :)
Best of luck CHELSEA!!
And Frank Lampard tooo<33

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Syukur Alhamdulillah... ;

Alhamdulillah, adik aku baru selesai menghadiri Hari Orientasinya di SMK Taman Keramat. Uhh, dah besar adik aku rupanya :D Thn dpn dah Form 1. Ttbe je t'igt psl 1st week dkt SMKTK tu. Tandas dye kotor, kelas bersepah, satu kelas 40 org, bising. And aku igt lg mcm mne aku rase nk cpt2 tgglkan skolah tuh. Haha :D Akhirnya, aku berjaya mem'blah'kan diri dari skolah tu and landing dkt SMK Lembah Keramat, sekolah yg aku sayang, cinta, suka, rindu etc.

Dkt SMKLK ni la aku jalani hidup aku sbgai seorg REMAJA yg meningkat dewasa. Ramai kawan yg aku dpt kenal, ade rmai budak laki yg aku admire :P Belajar dgn cigu2 yg THE BEST! And mencapai kejayaan yg xkn dilupakan smpai bila2 :')

Ha, ckp psl kejayaan, aku baru dpt berita yg adik sedara aku, Khalilah, m'dpt keputusan yg cemerlang dlm PMRnya, 6A. Alhamdulillah... ;) Skrg ni tgh tggu berita drpd Miera pulak. Mane kau wehhh? Asl x on phone? Xpyh la nk sorok2 dgn aku wehhh :DD Xkesah la, janji kau bgtau dkt aku nnti, okay? :D

So, skrg ni, tggu result SPM pulak. Ahh, seram sejuk dibuatnya bila fikir psl ni -___________- 3 bulan lagi. And rmai yg cdgkn supaya aku kerja part time smntara tggu result. Aishh, bukan xnk, tp, nnti la, lps dah dpt lesen kereta. Heheh :D And aku still igt Mak Endek aku ckp,

...."Siti, dgr sini Mak Endek ckp...Nanti, kalau dpt result bagus, 10A, apply Medik, okay?? Biarlah dalam family kita ni(Hj. Manah) ada sorg doktor....."

Aku pun balas laa...

..."Haah jgk kan? Nnti blh bg MC dkt sume org. Haha. Tp, org xyakin la Mak Endek... 10A... Susah tuuu.... Org pun target 7A@8A aje... --"....

Erm, actually, aku minat kalau bidang tu ade kaitan dgn CHEMISTRY. Sbb aku mmg minat CHEMISTRY. Hee :P Tp, kita hanya merancang, and Allah s.w.t yg menentukan. So, aku cuma blh berdoa dan bertawakal kepadaNYA, semoga diberikan result yg cemerlang. Amin.... :)

*SITI tu, nama kedua aku. Aku ni ade byk nama tau. Amirah, Nabilah, Bella, Siti etc. :P

Hati Ini ;

Telah lama aku pendamkan rasa ini,
Tapi kau tidak juga mengerti,
Tidak memahami,
Tidak juga kau sedari,
Angan-angan yang aku bina,
Hancur dan lenyap begitu sahaja,
Tanpa setitik belas kasihan,
Tanpa hala tuju,
Aku dibiarkan terkapai-kapai kelemasan,
Lalu hati ini kupujuk sendiri,
Tanpa bantuan sesiapa,
Tanpa pengetahuan sesiapa.

Suatu hari yang indah,
Aku melangkah ke pesisiran pantai,
Menghirup udara yang segar,
Bagi menenangkan hati ini yang gundah,
Aku melihat ke kanan,
Kanak-kanak bermain pasir keriangan,
Aku menoleh ke kiri,
Sepasang kekasih berjalan beriringan,
Ah, aku cemburu sekali!
Cemburu melihat kebahagiaan mereka semua,
Sedangkan aku?
Aku hanya sendiri mencari konklusi,
Konklusi yang masih samar,
Konklusi yang masih belum pasti.

Awan-awan yang bergerak perlahan,
Memaksa aku memandang mereka,
Lama aku menatap keindahanNya,
Akhirnya aku sedar,
Hanya DIA tempat aku memohon bantuan,
Hanya DIA yang mahu mendengar rintihanku,
Hanya DIA yang bisa mengubat hatiku yg luluh,
Dan hanya DIA yang mampu membantu aku melupakan 'Si Dia'.

Pergilah mimpi,
Pergilah angan-angan,
Pergilah Impian,
Pergilah 'Si Dia',
Pergilah bersama angin,
Buat selama-lamanya,
Kerana aku mahu bangkit semula,
Mengatur langkah satu persatu,
Bagi membina satu kehidupan yang BARU.

pemilik Hati Ini,
Amirah Rashid.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

pheww ;

wait, nak jerit sekejap! CHELSEA still ON THE TOP mannnnnnnn! mwahahahaha :D tp sedih gak cz DRAW 3-3 smlm. haih. yg terkejutnya, MU KALAH??! K A L A H? haha :P but, kira okay la kalah dgn Aston Villa. kuat kot diorg tuh --" anyway, hopefully, The Blues akan dpt kekalkan position diorg dgn kelebihan 3 points drpd MU :P

okay, nk cerita psl 1st day dkt driving school(ceramah KPP) :

as usual, aku selalu sampai awal :P tp da ade ramai org gk. gila smgt diorg nih. tp kene tggu kwn ayah skjp. sbb aku akan bljr under dye nnti :) nasib baik dye baik and friendly. sng lulus la mcm ni. hahahah :DD then, syara dtg. tp dye kene tggu budak2 ZIMAS dulu. *sorry xdpt tggu dgn kau wehh --" masa pukul 9, Lia xdtg2 lg. haih, mane dye ni. cuak aku. mane taknye, org da mula penuhkan bilik kuliah. and aku da jagekan tmpt dye cz da janji nk dgr crmh sama2. tp dye xsmpai2 lg. finally dye dtg and daftar. tp kakak tu xbagi dye masuk bilik A. kene masuk bilik C sbb da penuh. padahal aku da jgekn tmpt utk dye dah. mengundang btol kakak tuh. huh.

so, terpaksa la aku dgr ceramah tu sorg2. da la dduk depan sekali, xde can nk curi2 tido. haha :D luckily, aku memenuhi etika berpakaian. i mean, nasib baik pakai kasut bertutup. kalau x, cikgu tu kate, sbnrnye xblh masuk. tp, nasib baik penceramah tu baik, sporting, funny and friendly. xigt la name dye ape. hee. sorry cikgu :P yg xbestnye, part dye tanye soalan. mmg soalan yg killer lahh. mcm soalan KBKK. cthnye :

  • Apa cara kita berkomunikasi dgn pemandu lain?
  • Apa yg dimaksudkan dgn pemandu berhemah?
  • Apa ciri2 pemandu berhemah?
  • Siapa pengarah kita di jalan raya?
  • etc. etc
ade 1 part tu, aku kene jwb dulu, and the truth is, jawapan aku salah. haha. malu bebb. xpe la. baru bljr la katekan :P then ade rehat 1 jam. sempat balik rumah, makanmakan haha :D then, start lg 1 jam ceramah. ahah, time ni, mata mmg da xdpt thn da. tp thn jgk -________- sbb dye ckp psl undg2 sume. yg paling sedih, cikgu tu cite psl kmlgn yg melibatkan anak dye. bulan mei last year. seriously, sedih and ngeri gila kmlgn ank dye tu. ank dye tercampak keluar from his car and kereta lain langgar dye. sampaikan cikgu tu kate, dye sendiri xdpt cam ank dye. andddd, dye menangis!! uwaaa. sedih gila time tu. sume org senyap. tp dye sempat buat lawak. dye kate, "kenapa sume sedih2 ni...biarlah sy sorg aje yg sedih...haih..."

xpe cikgu, ktorg akan jd pemandu yg BERHEMAT. insyaallah. actually, aku jumpe kwn lama dkt situ, ariff syafiq(kwn sklh rndh). tp dye da xknl aku kot. haha. xpe la :DD

so, skrg ni tgh berusaha nk baca buku KPP tu. almaklumlah, SPM dah habis. buku pun da xsentuh. haha :D i hv to pass the exam cz ade sorg lg ckgu tu ckp, skrg da semakin SUSAH nk LULUS. haih. its not about wasting the money to repeat the exam. but its about wasting my time and energy. plus, i'll be shamed too. haha :DD yelahh, korg sume da lulus, tggl aku sorg je yg xlulus2. haih. td try buat latihan dye jap. UJIAN BUTA WARNA dgn UJIAN PENGLIHATAN dua2 dpt full marks. smpai dkt UJIAN UNDANG2, tros stuckk. sbb xbace lg! haha :D

wish me luck okay! and btw, i'll be away for a few days. nk pergi HOLIDAY. heheh :D bbye. tc. lya. salam :)

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Chelsea vs. Everton ;


Date: 12 Dis 2009
Time: 1055pm
Venue: Stamford Bridge

p/s : igt nk cite psl 1st day dkt driving school. tp, penat gila skrg. haih. i'll update abt it later -______________-

**xstart bace pun lg buku memandu tu. bile la nk bace en. rase semakin mls lps SPM. haha :DD

Friday, December 11, 2009

gambar kenangan ;

ade sikit aje pic yg aku dpt snap. last day dkt sekolah and tuisyen kot :|

Miera, Kiera and Pnut
(3 org anak murid aku yg BAIK :D)

Kawankawan lps habis exam Chemistry
(discuss psl class party)

Meen, Leya, Lin
(McDonald. dpt minum coke balik. haha :D)

Last day dkt tucen :'(
( rindu sirrr :| )

Kawan tucen yg best!
(sya, jas, lia, *fiza segan nk masuk :D)

I'm not going to forget this :'( ;

Disebabkan aku ni semakin tua dari hari ke hari, and semua neuron aku akan mati or xkn bersambung lg each other, menyebabkan aku akan menjadi seorang pelupa. so, aku nk tulis semua pengalaman aku sepanjang exam SPM berlangsung so that, aku akan igt sampai bila2. myb anak cucu aku pun blh baca, soon. haha :D ni xikut turutan ehh. random ajeee :))

  • Dapat banyak mask
  • Guna hand sanitizer, about 50ml? :p
  • Dapat berpeket-peket kismis. Yummy!
  • Guna body's temperature detector(paling tggi, 36.5 degree celcius :D)
  • Still amek exam dlm dewan besar(dpt blkg, again --")
  • Dpn aku Nana, blkg Leya, kanan Nafis and kiri Syima ;) (aku xtiru korg tauuu :D)
  • Pgws exam tu suka buat bising dkt blkg, agk tension la jgk. Haha :D
  • Hah, ckp psl bising, ade dua hari ktorg sume terganggu dgn bunyi bising yg dtg drpd seekor burung ats bumbung skolah andd, anjing yg bergaduh dgn MONYET! What the...?
  • Xsgka aku blh bangun awal, buat revision. Haha. Tp plg lame blh thn 4jam aje :P
  • Xpernah t'tggl IC and Slip. *bow bow :D
  • Buat study group dgn fyza, syara, leya, jas, mira, kira and pnut. Thx koranggg :D
  • Xprnh tdo dlm dewan. Wohooo :D Prnh nk ttdo, tp thn. Don't ask me why. Haha :D
  • Menghadiri seminar yg xputus2 since awal tahun. But, thx a LOT cikgu semua :') ILY<3
  • Plg tension lps keluar dewan habis paper Add Math -____________-
  • Slip terjatuh dkt luar koridor dewan. Thx to Edja yg tlg amekkan :))
  • Buat penat and buang duit aje beli pembaris bulat-bulat tu. Igt nk gune time Chemistry, tp xde lgsg soalan psl lukis2 tu. Thx la yeeee? Haha :D
  • Sempat pegi food court Giant, makan2 before Add Math Paper 2 ;)
  • Cikgu Ridwan(myb tu name dye) ttbe je ckp psl Bio, psl enzyme dkt aku time kutip Bio paper 3. Haha. Kelakar gila time tu :P
  • For the 1st time, aku keluar awal dari dewan. Time BI, cz nk bace Sejarah. Haha :D
  • Aku xpernah bangun pegi toilet time exam. :DD
  • Cicak masuk dalam kain time tggu paper Tasawwur :D (Lin dgn Fiza terkejut gila! :D)
  • Tasawwur Paper 2, 1/2 jam da siap? Gila huh?
  • Prnh dduk tmpt Yana(EST), Chin(Bio) and Lynna(Tasawwur) :D
  • Bunyi mercun yg mmg buat aku bengang. Korg igt korg bagus sgt ke hah? Ni bukan raya lahhhh. Grrrr.
  • Botol tertinggal dkt kantin. Nasib baik xnaik lg time tu :D
  • Ttbe demam(bdn rasa panas) time last week of exam. Haishh. --"
  • Ketua Pengawas Exam ckp "Selamat memasuki ALAM DEWASA". Rugi sape yg keluar awal. Hee :P
  • Habis Tasawwur, bukak beg, tgk2 ade satu bungkusan warna oren. Huh, ape tu? :P
  • Pergi JJ Wgsa Maju, Shopping, Jln2 and McDonald dgn Lin, Fyza, Lia, Meen and Aimi. Lin drive wehhhh :DD

So, itu aje yg dpt aku tulis. agak sedih da habis sekolah. rindu gilaaa dkt:

  • Baju sekolah
  • Beg sekolah
  • Kasut sekolah
  • Buku2 sekolah
  • Kerja2 sekolah
  • Cikgu2 sekolah
  • Guard sekolah
  • Kantin sekolah
  • Tandas sekolah
  • Surau sekolah
  • Koperasi sekolah
  • Kawankawan sekolah
  • Org yg aku minat dkt sekolah :P
  • SEMUA yg ade kaitan dgn sekolah lahh :'(
Tp, rasenye, lps ni mesti akan dtg sklh lg. nk urus itu ini(kalau dpt tawaran mana2 la :)) insyaallah akan dtg sekolah lg selalu :D so, ni bbrp plan lps SPM habis(mmg da habis punnn :D)

  • Pergi T'ganu, amek along balik
  • Amek lesen kereta. Wuhuuuuu :DDD
  • Gotong-royong masjid :)
  • Sunway Lagoon :DDDD
  • Genting Highland (in progress)
  • Tgk semua CD movie(papadom, geng, momok)
  • Duduk rmh, bljr masak :D
  • Jogging :)
  • Andddd, TIDOOOO! Hahahaha :D
so, that's all for today, and I gtg. bbye :)

ehhh, lupa pulak ni dye bungkusan berwarna oren tuuuu :D

Thursday, December 10, 2009

my last 4 papers ;

here, I'd like to write about my last 4 papers for SPM which are Biology, Physics, Chemistry and Tasawwur Islam. first of all, I'd like to thank god for giving me a good health along the exam weeks so I can answer those papers without greenish-yellow liquid in my nose or throat. haha :DD geli kan? sorry :P so, lets start with Biology.

-when I look through the timetable for the first time, I was really shocked. it was like, what the...? we need to answer Biology Paper 2 first?? in the early morning?? mane blh fikir pagi2 buta tu lahhhhhhhhhhh. haishh. but, when I finished the paper, it was the biggest relieved that I ever felt. rasa lega sgt cz tinggal paper 1&3 aje. and, for me, those Biology papers are quite easy and not as hard as what I expected. I hope that I can get at least 'B' for Bio. pray for me yeah :)

-ahha, the most subject that I LIKE(sarcastic). haha :D and, as usual, I have no confident at all to get the BEST result/mark for Physics papers. jz hoping that I'll get B or at least C. hurm :|

-I can do quite well for paper 1&2. but, paper 3?? no comment. the 1st question was really tough and I've stucked there for about half an hour. hah! can someone tell me, what is the answer for no. 46(paper 1)?? kindly let me know cz it was quite important. hee :P

Tasawwur Islam:
-do u believe if I said that I don't even do the revision for form 5 syllibus? it is TRUE and I'm not kidding man! but, alhamdulillah, I can answer paper 2 questions, but stuck with one of it. paper 1? huh, tough, tough, and tough! fullstop.

so, I've done all of my best, and as usual, let Allah swt do the rest :)

ohh yeahhh.

Say Hi! to FREEDOM! :DD

why don't you just... ;

actually, I'm now addicted to one of the most popular reality show known as So You Think You Can Dance. it was awesome and cool yaww, seriously. i'm not kidding. so, why dont u try to watch it once? i'm pretty sure that u'll like it :DD here are two vids that i like the most. kindly click the PLAY button, and enjoy the show :))

i post this bcz this is cool! ;

Name 11 people you can think of right off the top of your head. Don’t read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 11 people. This is a lot funnier if you actually randomly list the names first.. No cheating

1. Hafizah
2. Leya
3. Syarah
5. Hazirah
6. Nurlin
7. Nina
8. Aimi
9. Yasmin
10. Syima
11. Aminiril


1. Where did you meet number 4?
KVHS. Since form 1. Syg dye! :DD

2. Do you love any of them up there?
I LOVE EVERYONE up there sooooooooo much<33

3. What would you do if you hadn’t met number 1?
Pegi rmh dye. Tekan loceng banyak kali :P

4. What would you do if number 6 and number 2 were goin out?
Err, I'll follow them laaa. Mane blh biarkan diorg keluar 2 org je :P

5. How did you meet number 8 ?
Sekolah. Kenal since form 3. But jd rapat mase form 4.

6. Is 5 one of your best friends?
Indeed! :)

7. Whos 10s best friend?
Erm, ramai lahhh :D

8. Do you miss number 4?!
Rinduuu! Nk dgr dye gelak :DD

9. What do u think of number 6?
Genius and Genius. What else peeps? Haha :D

10. Is number 9 a cool person?
Of course! Dye xmarah pn even org ejek dye dgn Paan. Kan meen? Haha :D

11. Who does 3 like?
PLKN. Haha :D

12. have you ever been inside number 8s house?
Nooooo. Kalau x da pegi rmh dye time raya hari tu :(

13. Do you like number 2?
Yeahhhh. Haha. *I'm STRAIGHT okayy :P

15. Do you trust 1?
YES. We've know each other since 5 years young :D

16. Have you ever gone out with 7?
Yeahhh. Tgk movie. Jalan2. Hee :D

17. Is 10 older than you?
Nope. I'm older than her :|

18. How does number 11 feel about you?
Gila. Haha :D

19. Do you think you and 3 will still know each other in 5 years?
Yeahh. Lain la kalau dye ade jumpe klon aku dkt Sabah nanti. Haha :DD
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